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Aerie - Spirit of the Forest

After a natural disaster, Shangri-La lies in ashes! Aerie and the will-o-wisps are called upon to bring the land back to life. Guide them through forests, mountains and swamps as they heal nature's wounds.
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1 Hesham  
I admit, I am scared of 30 30. I mean, I prbboaly only have like 30 items in my closet anyhow (ok, a bit of an exaggeration, maybe I have like 40), but I still don't feel like I could do it without wearing the same thing all the time. Scrolling through your posts I can see you're halfway done and it definitely doesn't look like you're wearing the same thing all the time (expect that time when you wore the same red dress two times in a row). So someday, I will do a 30 30 and YOU will have been my inspiration for doing so. Way to go!Also, stupid question, but how do you post the pictures with the text on the bottom like that? I want to learn how to do that.

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Marţi, 21/Mai/2024, 04:25:45
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